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Grounding & EMF's


What is grounding


​Grounding, or earthing, refers to connecting electrically with the Earth. A growing body of research is finding numerous health benefits as a result of the physical body being grounded.


Unfortunately, with our modern rubber or plastic soled shoes and insulated sleeping arrangements, we no longer have a natural electrical connection to the Earth, unless walking barefoot.


There are two key reasons why this electrical connection is important:


1. The Earth is a massive reservoir of negatively charged free electrons. Without a connection to this reservoir, the cells in our body are unable to balance the positive charge which results from things like electron-deficient free radicals. The effect of excess positive charge in the blood can be seen very clearly by the way in which the cells are attracted to clump together.




2. Our modern environment is full of a wide spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, from computers, mobile phones & masts, radio & TV broadcasts, WiFi, Bluetooth, power lines, domestic wiring, and other electrical appliances. This electromagnetic radiation induces voltages in our bodies, disrupting the trillions of subtle electrical communications which are a vital part of the function of our systems. By being grounded to the Earth we greatly reduce the levels of these induced voltages, as we are then effectively shielded by the Earth's large electrical mass. 

























































How to Ground


So now you know what causes the build of of positive electrons within the body how do we reconnect with the Earth.The simplest and easiest way to get grounded is to go outside and walk bare foot on the grass or earth, or to immerse yourself in a body of conductive water such as the sea or a mineral-rich lake. Now research as shown that around 20 minutes is needed to fully ground the body. 


Thats were other devices come into play that can be used indoors. Especially with the new 5G all around us. We need to be grounding as much as possible. Give us a call to help you reduce/eliminate radiation. 



​ benefits of grounding


1. Decreased Chronic Stress

2. Improved Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction

3. Reduced Inflammation

4. Reduced Chronic Pain

5. Improved Sleep

6. Improved Heart Rate Variability

7. Improved Blood Flow

8. Improved mood




Conclusion of grounding research​


Dr De Flora and others concluded the following from this study. 


 “Since the late 20th century, chronic degenerative diseases have overcome infectious disease as the major causes of death in the 21st century, so an increase in human longevity will depend on finding an intervention that inhibits the development of these diseases and slows their progress. Could such an intervention be located right beneath our feet? Earthing research, observations, and related theories raise an intriguing possibility about the Earth's surface electrons as an untapped health resource—the Earth as a “global treatment table.” Emerging evidence shows that contact with the Earth—whether being outside barefoot or indoors connected to grounded conductive systems—may be a simple, natural, and yet profoundly effective environmental strategy against chronic stress, ANS dysfunction, inflammation, pain, poor sleep, disturbed HRV, hypercoagulable blood, and many common health disorders, including cardiovascular disease. The research done to date supports the concept that grounding or earthing the human body may be an essential element in the health equation along with sunshine, clean air and water, nutritious food, and physical activity.”






harmful effects of emf on the body​







































benefits of grounding/earthing​

































effects on inflammation after grounding


effects on blood after grounding


501 S. Gregg Street
Big Spring, TX 79720
CALL (432) 967-7202 
-  or  -
19 S. Park Street
San Angelo, TX 76901
CALL (325) 212-3937 

©2020 by Rejuva Wellness.

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